Add Featured Auto Content Slider to Blogger

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The most strong and popular web design trend over last couple of years is a sliding horizontal panels also known as Sliders or Carousels. It's a very effective method to increase the web site usability and engage the user.
This tutorial will explain to you how to create a auto featured content slider for your blogger blog or website.
it will be useful to your blogger blog.Before adding this widget to your site look at the DEMO from here.

If you like to add this beautiful auto slider to your blog then follow steps below.

Login To Blogger Go To > layout Edit HTML.
and mark the tick box "Expand Widget Templates"
Scroll down to where you see </head> tag .
Copy below code and paste it just before the </head> tag .
Download the code from here

Now go to Layout-->Page Element and click on "Add a gadget".
Select "html/java script" and add the code given below and click save.
Download the code from here

Note Replace YOUR-POST-x-LINK-HERE, YOUR-FEATURED-POST-X-SMALL-DESCRIPTION-HERE [...] and Images Links with your content.

Now click Save and you are done.
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3 Amazing jQuery Tabs

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Using jQuery,we can do many things very easily than normal JavaScript.So jQuery has became the most popular JavaScript library in use today.I wrote my previous article about popular jQuery featured content sliders,that are used by web designers.In this article I am going to show you a better jQuery Tabs collection you can use for your websites or blogs.When we go to websites,we can see different types of jQuery Tabs.If you add a tab view to your website,it save a lot of space in your web pages.Also it gives a better appearance to your website or blog.

1Create a Slick Tabbed Content Area using CSS & jQuery

2. Dynamic Fun with SimplePie and jQuery

3jQuery Sliding Tab Menu for Sidebar Tutorial

You can visit authors websites for configuration instructions/guides,can view live demos of these jQuery Tabs and also you can download files of these tabs using the URLs given below.I checked all of these links and they are working correctly.But in future if this links doesn't work, please leave a comment.I hope to add more jQuery tabs to this article in the future ,so bookmark this web page for future reference.If there is a jQuery tab you like.

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Resolve Internet Explorer Has Stopped Working in IE9

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Internet Explorer (IE) is a dominant browser among all the other browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari and others. But most of the people face crashing problem with Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. For fixing google chrome crash we have already written an article here, so this article is about how you can fix the crashing problem in Internet Explorer.

This is Some methods that you could try to fix the error message “Internet Explorer has stopped working”.

Method 1: Disable Protected Mode

1. Click on “Tools”, “Internet Options”:

2. Go to the tab “Security” and untick the option “Enable Protected Mode”:

3. Restart the Internet Explorer.

Method 2: Reset Internet Explorer Settings

2. Go to the “Advanced” tab and click on “Reset”. Read the warning message and confirm if you want to proceed:

Method 3:  Reset all settings in Internet Explorer to default.

Close your IE, head to ‘Control panel’ -> ‘Internet Options
Go to ‘Advanced’ tab -> click on ‘Reset’ -> click ‘OK
Now start your IE again.

Method 3 : Other Microsoft services troubling your Internet Explorer.

Close your IE, head to ‘Start’ -> ‘Run
Type ‘msconfig’ -> click ‘OK’ -> click ‘continue or allow’ on User Account Control popup
Click ‘Selective startup’ -> Uncheck Load startup items
Click ‘Services tab’ -> Check ‘Hide all Microsoft services box
Click ‘Disable all’ -> Click ‘OK
And Restart your PC now.

Other Methods:

Disable Toolbars
Disable Addons
Restore system via system restore
Reinstall Windows 7

If none of the methods above help you to fix the error and you are still receiving the message “Internet Explorer has stopped working” frequently, you could reinstall your OS as a last resort, create a new user account, disable all add-ons that you currently use, disable all toolbars or try a system restore in Windows 7.

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Increase your Google PageRank!

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everyone want their blog get a high Google page rank for receive more visitors.Though  there are various factors that will increase your traffic and pagerank , one small method that will increase your Google PageRank is proper usage of the HTML in your template.

The blogger templates are not search engine optimized that is they are not simply compatible to boost up your page rank. If you take a look at your existing Blogger title you’ll see that blogger displays the blog name first then followed by your post title. They have it backwards so let’s get your blog setup properly.

Follow these very simple steps and you can optimize your blog.

1. Navigate to Design->Edit HTML. As usual, create a back up of your template before you make any changes to the template. Once the back up is done,

2. Search for the following piece of code in your template.


3. Replace the above code with the following code:
b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

4. Save your template and go back to your blog.

Now Your blog is ready to get a little more hits than before.

Do you wonder what benefit your blog would get by making this small customization? The answer is very simple, better search engine ranking which in turn means more traffic. Another advantage would be like this, if your blog and another blog has got the same traffic and if you had installed this tag it means you have a better edge over him and I'm pretty sure you will receive more hits than the other blog.
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Pure Magazine V1-Blogger Template

7 commentaires

 Pure Magazine V1 template is a professional blogger template It has many advanced features and all things you are looking for like Clean Open posting, navigation bar, Search box, and RSS Twitter Widgets, and more.
I hope you will like it very much. o configure this template read the instructions given below.

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50 Way To Increase Visitors and Traffic

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Of course, the dream of getting visitors is the dream of all bloggers.
a lot of blog readers Asked me to make a post helps them in getting visitors to their blogs, and as response to all your wishes and hope to increase the number of visitors in your blogs, here a 50 way to get visitors. All what you have to do is to good using it.

1- Subscribe at MyBlogLog and add friends And publish your own blog.

2- Register your blog at  Technorati and When you add a new post Do not forget to update your blog On this huge directory.

3- Use a service alert for content like Pingomatic to make a alert for the presence of new content on your blog to the major sites.

4- Submit your blog in all this RSS directories Robin Good’s list of RSS directories .

5- place a link for your post at the end of each article for used by those who want to publishing your poste

6- Put comments in others blogs who have the same Topics of your blog.

7- Ask your visitors to sign up for your newsletter, and encourage them to send it along to people they know. Send a newsletter regularly with teasers or lead-ins to your in-depth new articles or with special offers and the latest products.

8- Offer something people want at your site. Give them a reason to come back and get more. Offer free downloads and update them regularly. Offer coupons or discounts. Content content content.

9- Use Yahoo Groups and Google Groups to spread your blog; Whether to participate in groups that already exist or make your own group, and invite people to subscribe.

10- Publish your posts in a lot of social networking through OnlyWire.

11- Use Stumbleupon Publish your posts.

12- Answer the questions posed in Yahoo answers and google answers by referring to topics in your blog answer the questions.

13- Submit your blog in Yahoo sites directory.

14- ask your visitors to publish your posts in social networke.

15- Add your blog to Google search engine.

16- Invite bloggers to be participants in writing posts in your blog.

17- Subscribe in SpicyPage and publish your blog on it.

18- Register your blog on Blog WebRing.

19- Register your blog in IceRocket and Share your blog.

20- Subscribe in LinkAndBlog, and enter the challenge with other blogs.

21- Create a page on Facebook for your blog and invite your friends and other bloggers to subscribe and participate.

22- Subscribe at Blogs.

23- Add last comments widget to your blog cause it's very impressive.

24- Make it easy for visitors to publish your posts in all social networks.

25- Tell your friends about your blog .

26- Make your blog light and easy to download and browsing as possible.

27- Make navigation easy by using the Add page numbering.

28- answer all the questions asking by visitors via e-mail (do not forget to make a link to your blog).

29- Answer all questions asking  by visitors in posts or in comments.

30- Get news coverage of your business and your site. Approach online and traditional media. This will often lead to others placing links pointing to your website, which leads to more clicks and also to improved search engine rankings.

31- Use your photos on your blog To gain confidence and acceptance of visitors.

32- Make polls on your blog in any subject you want.

33- Subscribe at HubPages and share your your blog and posts links.

34- participate in Blogger Party and Write Topics Indicating to your blog.

35- Write articles on Wikipedia indicating to your blog with intelligent way.

36- Subscribe at BlogCatalog.

37- make a account at MySpace and place on top of your page link and overview for your blog.

38- Sign up your blog at coolsiteoftheday.

39- Use clear fonts and comfortable for the eye in your blog.

40- Don’t waste your time. Don’t waste your time with crazy “money earners” such as those that pay you to click, pay you to read, pay you to surf, pay you to search, or anything like that. Those aren’t worth anything. Instead, spend your time writing quality content and the increase in site traffic will follow.

41- In your posts, ask your readers questions. Readers like to feel important and a lot of them like to talk. The next time you write a post, ask them a question or their opinion on something. You’ll receive a lot more comments and many of the visitors will be more likely to come back.

42- Link to your other posts as often as you can. Link internally to posts on your own blog. This helps your rankings and also helps your site traffic increase. If people who come to your your blog have nothing else to see, they will leave. When you link to your other articles, they will most likely choose to go read those as well before leaving, and will stay on your blog longer.

43- Use Feedburner for people to subscribe to your blog. When people subscribe to you via RSS or get your blog updates in email, they’ll see your posts whenever you make a new one. This is vital for keeping people in touch with your blog and getting them to come back.

44- Interview other bloggers. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time but never got around to. Interviews of other bloggers usually generate a few links, including a link from the blogger you interviewed. And links mean traffic!

45- Fix Broken Links & JS Errors Not having someone’s browser attempt to load files and scripts that aren’t there speeds up their download times.

46- Make your readers feel at home – Even when you receive a negative comment or critical comment you need to be creative in finding a way to respond in a positive manner. People may disagree with your position but don’t ever let them disagree with your disposition.

47- Write catchy post titles – Posts with catchy, creative titles receive much more traffic than those with boring, bland, unoriginal headlines. Often users will browse through your posts until a headline catches their eye. If no headlines catch their eye, well…you know.

48- Post often to keep attracting your subscribers to come back and refer you to others in their networks; include links to other blogs, articles and websites in your posts

49- Read and comment on other blogs that are in your target niche. Don't write things like "nice blog" or "great post." Write intelligent, useful comments with a link to your blog.

50- Keep improving your blog. People will keep coming back to a blog or site that is constantly worked on and improved. Set aside daily time to plow down and tweak your blog. Also try to write that daily content.
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تغيير الخط في مدونة بلوغر

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هل تبحت عن تغيير خط مدونتك و جعلها أكثر أناقة و جمالا الآن يمكنك ذلك بإستعمال إضافة بلوغر للخطوط و التي تمكنك و بسهولة من التحكم الكامل في خطوط المدونة مثل عنوان التدوينة أو عنوان المدونة و المحتوى والعديد...

لتغيير خط المدونة ما عليك سوى إتباع المراحل التالية.

1- أدخل إلى  لوحة التحكم الرئيسية   في بلوغر

2- تصميم >> مصمم النماذج 

3- إختر متقدم و ستظهر إعدادات الخط كما في الصورة

و الآن قم بتغيير خط الوصلات أو عنوان المدونة مثلا

يمكنك معاينة الخطوط من هنا

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